Los Corrales - Circle Z Ranch

Where our Guests and Horses
Come To Play
The center of ranch operations is Los Corrales, located just a short walk down the hill from our lodging and main ranch facilities. This is where our herd of over a hundred horses is kept and where guests mount up for their rides.
At Los Corrales, we have a large day pasture for the horses. With covered shade structures and plenty of room for them to move about during the day, many guests enjoy coming down early before the rides to pat the horses over the fence and take photos.
The fifteen hundred acre night pasture for the horses is located just to the west of the day corral. Each morning around 6:30 the horses are brought into the day pasture after a night of grazing and resting, ready to start their day with a nice helping of alfalfa. For the horses that are being ridden, an extra feed of grain is given once they are isolated from the herd. Our wranglers groom and tack the horses that are being used for the day, while the rest are let be to enjoy their day pasture.
At the end of the riding day, around 4:30, we open the gates to the day pasture, and the horses race each other through the polo field to their night pasture. This is an excellent opportunity for guests to take action photos of their horses in motion. We have a bench seat where guests can safely sit and watch the horses just a few feet away!
The large porch of the tack room is where guests await their horses. We have all the necessary items in the tack room, from saddle horn bags to saddle cushions! In the mounting up area, we have a mounting block for the guests to use to get on their horse while a wrangler holds the reins.
Behind the day pasture and the tack room runs Sonoita Creek, a popular area for guests wanting to take a morning stroll or photograph wildlife. This is also where the Wednesday morning nature walks take place.