Our Horses - Circle Z Ranch

Over 100 Strong
Our Herd is One of the Finest
Among Guest Ranches
At Circle Z Ranch, our horses are part of our family. From the day of birth or arrival, we focus on raising happy and friendly horses. We recognize that each member of our horse family has their own personalities and special traits that make them unique. We ensure their development by dedicating time to each horse, guiding them in extensive ground work and trail training. For the ranch-bred horses, this can take an average of eight years. Our horses graduate with a great understanding of our diverse and difficult trails and the ability to form meaningful relationships with our guests.
Each horse receives the highest standard of care available. Provided with delicious and nutrient-packed grains, protein-packed alfalfa, and top-quality veterinary care, our horses have everything they need. This is evident by their silky coats and playful demeanor. For our brands, we use the freeze-brand method, which is much less painful and produces a beautiful white Circle Z. Our horses are shod as needed, rather than on a schedule. Our own wranglers do all the shoeing, fully understanding the needs of each horse.
We ask a lot of our herd, and they know they can rely on us to take care of them. They work hard for us during the guest season, but rest assured they enjoy a carefree, six-month vacation roaming the grassy Circle Z pastures during the summer months. After years of dedicated service to our guests, those horses who are no longer able to work are retired and turned out to yet another pasture, living out the rest of their days in luxury.
We take pride in the evolution of our horses and treat them with the upmost respect to ensure each one develops into a confident companion. From rambunctious colts to gentle and knowledgeable geldings, our horses are the true manifestations of our love and care.