Gymkhana Horse Games - Circle Z Ranch

Gymkhana Horse Games
Whether you are new to horses or are an experienced hand, our Creek Ranch Property is a great setting for horse games. Our expert wranglers are there to give you instruction for the various activities, and this is a great way to test your skills. Just let our corral manager know that you are interested in some time doing games and we can arrange this for you in addition to or in place of the regular rides.
The large arena is set up for Barrel Racing and Pole bending, two activities that can be done at the pace you are most comfortable. Our other arena is an enclosure for the steers, where you will learn how to move cattle in a confined setting. During team penning, you will team up with 2 other guests and have a competition for moving select cows into a smaller enclosure. There are always lots of laughs and genuine fun during the team penning.