We are offering several specials for our 2022-2023 guest season. Here is a brief description of dates that still have availability. Let us know how we can help in planning ...
Filming of Oklahoma! In the San Rafael Valley
FROM THE ARCHIVES OF ARIZONA HIGHWAYS, April 1955 EDITOR’S NOTE: As Editor Robert Stieve noted in our April issue on Sonoita-Patagonia, that region of Arizona was the filming location for ...
Fall 2021 Newsletter
Announcing our Fall 2021 Re-Opening! Arizona’s Original Dude Ranch begins our 95th season on October 31st and we are thrilled to welcome our friends back to Southern Arizona! Though much ...
The making of a Trail
This year we spent a considerable amount of time exploring for, and developing new trails around the ranch property for our guests to enjoy come this Fall. Some of the ...
New Ranch Logo
We are thrilled to introduce our new Logo for the Circle Z Guest Ranch, which will be used in many different ways including embroidered on our popular ranch wear items ...
Fall Newsletter 2019
New for our 94th Season: Getting Better with Time Our “off season” was anything but slow with our summer remodeling projects well underway! Lucia’s Suite underwent a memorable upgrade, Cottage ...
Remodeling at the ranch for 2019
We had a fantastic summer and were able to finish up on the final remodels on our accommodations. Cottage 3, which is a 2 unit cottage with standard rooms and ...
Long distance hauling with your horse
As horse owners, we find the need to move horses from one place to the other, whether it is a few miles or a few hundred miles. When I ...
Caring for the ranch horses
The Circle Z Ranch owns one of the largest private horse herds in Arizona, and keeping our herd healthy, both physically and mentally, takes diligence and a team approach ...
The Story of El Sultan, a Carthusian Stallion
Since our inception in 1926 we have been known for our fine breeds of horses. Circle Z Ranch’s first and most notable stallion was a Carthusian Stallion named El Sultan, ...